DLsite Top 10: May 2022
- 投稿:2022.05.06
- 更新:2022.05.06
- 928 view
- 0
- 13分
- 作品
- ゲーム
Once again we go through the filthy linen basket that is our monthly sales data and pick out the cleanest items for display.
English translation indie title list
This article is useful for English-speaking users, so saving it on your watch, following me, or both will make it very useful to find new titles and discounts.
DLsite Official English Translation Title List
This article is useful for English-speaking users, so saving it on your watch, following the author, or both will make it very useful to find new titles and discounts.
English translation indie title, PZL
PZL is a puzzle game category. From the 2007 release to the 2022 release.
English translation indie title, SLG 3
SLG is a Simulation and strategy game category. From the 2020 release.
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